Soul Care

It’s time to get started.

The next Soul Care Masterclass begins Monday, Oct 7!

Hi, I’m Deb, Moxie’s founder.

As a woman well into her 60s, I’m clear about a few things:

It’s time to make more of every day.

To dream again, and actually LIVE those dreams.

To feel the thrill of this wild ride.

To waste not ONE MINUTE MORE on “this is good-enough” or “don’t know how to make it better.” 

It’s time to shake off the old habits and tired critics and self-defeating doubts… and break open the new.

And there’s nothing like being part of a fun, high-vibe, supportive sisterhood who will reflect our shine back to us.


Soul Care Masterclass is a 5-week workshop that flings open the flood gates of creative energy and flow.

It’s an incubator, where we roll up our sleeves and get to it, making and writing and talking and sharing and leaving nothing unsaid or undone.

The Masterclass is personally led by Deb – your inspired creative muse & guide who takes you to places you’ve not visited before.

She makes sure this is where you start dreaming, sharing, visioning … Living

What would it feel like to claim your happiness and be an artist of life…the brave and bodacious heroine of your own movie?

Program dates


Oct 7, 14, 21, 28, Nov 4

All Soul Care sessions are conducted via zoom & begin at:

4 pm LA | 6 pm CHI | 7 pm NY

Joann Hershberger Henderson

Harrisonburg, VA

“As a psychotherapist who has led many women’s sacred circles, I was looking for one to participate in as a member. Moxie provides a safe and sacred space for women to show up authentically to pursue their soul’s call.

Deb’s wise and soulful leadership helps women drop down to deep work immediately.”

Here’s what your 5-week Soul Care experience includes:

  • Three immersive 3-hour Zoom sessions to get the sparksflying and the creative juices flowing.

  • Guided exercises and interactive dialogue designed to take you step-by-step through an inspiring process of self-discovery and fresh thinking.

  • downloads

    A Soul Jam! A beloved Moxie game that has people bypass the boring small talk and get right to the juicy stuff. Fun & profound.

  • A Soulabration Session to acknowledge your transformations as you come dressed to express YOU & make your Sacred Promise to yourself.

  • Access to the Soul Care Inner Sanctum, a cozy, private space in Moxie's community platform, while you're in the program.

  • During Soul Care you get access to all of Club Moxie's events + The Vault (our extensive library that includes specially curated playlists 🎶 + replays of workshops, special guest appearances, trainings, & more).


Your Soul Care Masterclass includes a 2-hour private Oasis Session with Deb.

The ultimate self care for the soul:

This LIVE mystical journey is a unique process that will help you tune into your soul, hear the voice of your inner knowing, and unleash possibility in an area of life that’s currently feeling a bit stuck or low-energy.

This is a defining moment…a shift in energy. You’ll discover…

  • How to tap into your innate wisdom and hear your soul’s voice

  • Deep compassion for your fears, frustrations, & shadows

  • How to find safety, self-love, & strength when you most need it

  • Appreciation for your gifts, passion, & magic

  • A profound sense of wellbeing, peace & purpose

Purchased separately, the Oasis is a $425 investment — and it’s INCLUDED as part of your Soul Care Masterclass.

Oh, and you also get a Moxie Box!

As part of the Soul Care Masterclass, you will receive a gift box with

  • your Moxie notebook,

  • course materials,

  • PLUS carefully curated and wrapped surprises and little luxuries from Deb designed to enhance your experience and get you on the path of tending to your soul and spirit with love!

Who doesn’t love getting presents? 🤩

Your Moxie Box alone has a value of about $100.

Shipping included for mainland U.S. addresses.

Journalist Suzie Agrillo in Natural Awakenings Tucson magazine:

“Deb Beroset taught me self-love.

As the credits roll at the end of my lifetime movie, I will acknowledge Deb Beroset as the teacher who taught me that it’s never too late to start living your Moxie life.”

SOUL CARE is perfect for you if you’re ready to…

  • Make yourself a priority

  • Nurture a sense of wellbeing and peace with the woman you are now

  • Find the possibilities, dreams and adventures that are calling to you

  • Be seen and heard at a deep level

  • Jazz up the creativity and confidence and FUN in your life

  • Join a new community of kindred spirits

  • Create a vision of what a beautiful, happy life looks like for you

  • Bust new moves and come alive

Pipka Ulvilden

Milwaukee, WI

You will be inspired to pursue your dreams when you are guided by Deb—an amazing, energetic, loving spirit.

She will lead you by the hand to become the you that you want to be.

In the Soul Care Masterclass, Moxie’s signature program, you will:

  • Cultivate radical self-reverence and acceptance

  • Learn fun, creative ways to tap into your Inner Wisdom

  • Have new clarity about the passions and dreams that light up your soul

  • Practice treating yourself like the Guest of Honor in your own life

  • Meet your very own Spirit Muse to inspire and help turn up the volume on the TRUE YOU

  • Create a vision for your life that turns you on and provides direction

  • Learn how to quickly create uncommon connection with anyone (hello, Soul Jams!)

  • …and make new like-minded friends!

Register today — your adventure begins Monday, October 7th!



One-time payment



2 installments

NOTE: If you’re a current member of CLUB MOXIE you can get 10% off by using your code


(With the Club Moxie discount, your tuition is just $1,080 or 2 installments of $558.)