Be the artist of your life.

Moxie’s Soul Care Masterclass: A 5-week live online program.

There are times in life when damn, we just don’t feel sparkly at all.

Maybe our light’s been dimming for a while, and here comes that moment we catch a glimpse of our soul in the mirror and she gives us some serious side eye like, “What are you doing? Where did the real YOU go?”

Other times, it’s not so much a slow fade as a sudden, shocking life quake. An unanticipated Big Change—a loss, a setback, a diagnosis, a divorce—can leave us feeling like that spark we used to have has run away from home…maybe for good.

Hi, I’m Deb, the founder of Moxie.

At this stage in life, I know one thing for sure: Life is meant to be lived boldly and unapologetically.

It’s time to rekindle that vibrant energy within—to listen to that wild spirit that’s been whispering, ‘There’s more out there for you.’

To live in a way that feels richly authentic, not just for others but for YOU.

To be the artist of your own life, painting it with the colors of joy, passion, and purpose.

No more playing small or quieting your dreams. It’s time to embrace the magic of who you are and what you still have to create.

And there’s no better place to do this than in the company of kindred souls—women who see the real you, who cheer you on as you take bold steps into a life that’s uniquely yours.

That’s why I created the Soul Care Masterclass—because it’s your time to shine.

What to Expect in the Soul Care Masterclass

This Masterclass is your starting point—a gentle yet powerful reintroduction to yourself. It’s where you begin to tap into the dreams and desires that may have been sidelined for too long. Together, we’ll take the first steps toward reclaiming those forgotten parts of yourself, exploring what it feels like to live in a way that’s more fully, uniquely you.

You don’t need to have it all figured out—that’s not the point. This is a space to dream again, to open the door to possibility, and to feel supported as you explore what’s next.

Throughout these 5 weeks, you’ll experience creative practices and thoughtful conversations designed to nurture your spirit and help you reconnect with what truly lights you up.

This isn’t about massive leaps or dramatic changes—yet. It’s about remembering what brings you joy and letting that lead you forward. You’ll leave with a renewed sense of possibility and a clearer vision for the life you want to create.

Program Dates


Mar 17, 24, 31, Apr 7, 14

All Soul Care sessions are conducted via zoom & begin at:

4 pm LA | 6 pm CHI | 7 pm NY

(Your private 2-hour session with Deb is scheduled separately.)

Here’s what you’ll receive in the Soul Care Masterclass

  • 🌿 5 Live Group Sessions: Through teachings, guided exercises and practices, you’ll feed your spark, fan your flames and learn to be an artist of life—in love with your life.

  • 🌿 A 1:1 Oracle Session with Deb: A beautiful process that will help you tune into your soul, hear the voice of your inner knowing, and unleash possibility. (This Oasis Session is a $425 value.)

  • 🌿 A Private Salon on Moxie’s Private Network: The Soul Care Salon is the VIP room for program participants, allowing you easy access to session Zoom links, replays, and sharing with the women in your masterclass.

  • 🌿 Club Moxie Access: Not a member? While you’re in Soul Care, you’ll have full access to Club Moxie events, curated playlists, resources, & replays—download the app and have Moxie with you wherever you go.

  • 🌿 And let’s not forget this one…new friends! It’s amazing the growth that happens when we share our stories and challenges and lift each other up. The women who do Soul Care together often form lasting friendships.

Special Bonus:

Soul Care Moxie Box

A beloved part of the Soul Care Masterclass experience is receiving your lovingly curated box:

  • Basic materials for 3 meditative art projects, including a handmade tin nicho shadowbox to create your very own Mojo Shrine!

  • A Moxie Journal

  • A deck of Soul Jam cards to spark soul-satisfying conversations with friends, family, & more

  • Handmade palo santo sticks

  • A reiki energy-charged Joy candle with affirmation

  • A wallet-size card with the 7 energy levels

Nancy Bruce, Midlife Love Advocate and host of the Finding Love podcast:

“In Soul Care Masterclass, Deb helped me find a part of my creative spirit that had been eluding me for too long. One aspect of Masterclass includes a private session called Oasis — a deep dive filled with wisdom, stories, and insights. The whole experience was like finding a secret path to my soul.

Deb helped me crack open the door to a huge creative project of mine, and unleashed the energy around it.

That’s Deb’s specialty, helping you find what you’re looking for and embrace it, embody it, and bring it to life.

Deb, thank you forever for helping me unearth my power.”

Register today — the next Soul Care journey begins Monday, March 17th.



One-time payment



3 installments

NOTE: Current members of CLUB MOXIE get 10% off with code


(With the Club Moxie discount, your tuition is just $1,080 or 3 installments of $374.)

“I am learning to trust ME. And to trust that I’m worthy of anything that I want. Anything I can imagine? I’m worthy of THAT. The overthinking, second-guessing and self-doubt are falling away. I’m trusting the process, and knowing that whatever obstacles come up, I’m keepin’ it movin.’ When I dwell in the intuitive space, things happen that are a little bit magical.”

Letitia Johnson

“There was an immediate sense of comfort and the ability to be yourself. It very quickly became a room full of close friends, not strangers. ”

Joyce Paschall

Soul Care was deep and profound—my growth didn’t come in little movements, it leapfrogged.”

Monica Dashwood

“I knew I was unhappy, but I really didn’t know why. Deb took us on a journey that left me trusting the innate flow of life, connected to my soul, and empowered in my choices.”

Louisa Percudani

As a psychotherapist who has led many women’s sacred circles, I was looking for one to participate in as a member. Moxie provides a safe and sacred space for women to show up authentically to pursue their soul’s call.

Deb’s wise and soulful leadership helps women drop down to deep work immediately.”

Joann Hershberger Henderson

Your Soul Care experience includes:

  • downloads

    Live Group Sessions

    Highly interactive Zoom sessions to get the sparks flying and the creative juices flowing. Meet your new tribe.

  • Downloads

    Your Creative Muse

    Deb will take you on an inspiring journey of self-discovery as you reclaim forgotten parts of yourself and open the door to new possibilities.

  • Private Oracle Session

    A 2-hour Oasis Session with Deb brings deep, personalized insight. This private $425 session is included in Soul Care.

  • downloads

    Soul Jam

    Time to connect, be real, discover each other, & experience being seen & appreciated. You'll use your very own deck of Moxie Soul Jam cards as Deb facilitates.

  • Soul Care Swag

    The Moxie Box sent to you is a thoughtfully curated collection that includes your Soul Care journal, course materials, and handpicked surprises--all designed to nurture your soul & spirit.

  • Private Salon in Club Moxie

    Soul Care participants get access to a private VIP lounge in Club Moxie — easily access session replays, connect with the other women on the Soul Care journey, and share insights along the way.

  • The Soulabration

    A celebration of your journey, where we come together to reflect, share, and honor the dreams you've reclaimed & savor the growth, connection, & renewed energy that will carry you forward.

  • Club Moxie Access

    Not a member? You'll receive full access to Club Moxie events and The Vault, featuring curated playlists, resources, and replays of workshops and special guest appearances.


  • Each week you'll meet LIVE with Deb and the other members of your cohort. The three main sessions are 3 hours long (with a 15-min break). One week we have a 90-minute Soul Jam. You'll schedule a 1:1 2-hour session with Deb for your Oasis session. Our final meeting is a 2-hour Soulabration to acknowledge what's been created and create what's next.

  • The Soul Care Masterclass is a safe space. The culture is one that invites us to be real, vulnerable, and brave. Anyone who identifies as female and is ready to bring some energy and intention to this discovery process is welcome.

  • Important: We do not offer refunds for this course. This is for serious, committed participants only. Given past participants' experiences, we are confident in the value this course will bring for a lifetime.

  • We suggest you make Soul Care one of your priorities for the 5 weeks it takes. That having been said, much of what you'll be doing is applying the concepts and principles as you live your life. Ultimately, you decided how much "extra" time you want to spend on it.

  • Club Moxie is the online community housed on the private Mighty Networks platform. It's a modern tribe that inspires, nurtures, and supports our continued growth and fulfillment.

    Participants in Soul Care will have complementary access to Club Moxie for 2 months and are encouraged to join us to keep the magic going and enjoy being part of something uplifting and beautiful.

Journalist Suzie Agrillo in Natural Awakenings Tucson magazine:

“Deb Beroset taught me self-love.

As the credits roll at the end of my lifetime movie, I will acknowledge Deb Beroset as the teacher who taught me that it’s never too late to start living your Moxie life.”

Do you have a question or need help registering?

Reach out to Deb by clicking the button below.