We are all gardeners. Creative beings with our hands in the soil, planting ideas and desires. Nurturing hopes and dreams. All we need is the right environment with lots of space and fresh air and sunlight and water. All the support we need to be the fertile creatures we were born to be.

Step into your Greenhouse.

A 3-month program where your ideas bloom into results.


August 7 - October 30, 2024

Where dreams and desires grow, blossom, and flourish

Greenhouse is a project-based program.

You choose something BIG to work on for yourself, and you join a team of like-minded growers.

We have things we dream of that we would love to see actually happen. We sense there’s a more bodacious us wanting to come out and play.

But it can be hard to go it alone. How to know what to focus on, or what direction to go in? So many other things pull at us. Sometimes we give up before we even begin.

Growing and moving in the direction of what makes you come alive is so much easier when done in a fun, supportive & guided community. That’s how GREENHOUSE came to be. It’s an environment designed to nurture growth, expansion, movement, action, & results.

Let’s get the dreams flowing again and imagine a future that calls to us. Let’s heed our soul’s yearnings, and make real plans. Let’s live, live, LIVE this life. Let’s lavish love on ourselves and savor new adventures and accomplish cool things and make the most of this one wild and precious life.

You got this!

We kick off Greenhouse with a fun process that helps you land on a project that’s custom-made for this moment in your life — because it forwards the action in an area that’s important to you.

Whether the project you take on has to do with career, love, health & wellbeing, self-expression, home, fun, or something else, part of what we’ll be learning and practicing is how to powerfully produce results in life and at the same time, be kind and loving with ourselves.

Greenhouse is a perfect opportunity for you to step up and do what there is to do…and be the woman you want to be. With the support you need to grow something wonderful! 🌺

P.S. It includes your very own Greenhouse Project Tracker, a user-friendly and beautiful structure to organize your inspo, thoughts, actions and results.

Register today — your Growing Season begins Wednesday, August 7!



One-time payment



3 installments


$2,700 pd in full or 3 installments of $918

REVIEWERS ONLY: Use the code MASTERGARDENER for 20% off:

$2,400 pd in full or 3 installments of $816

Here’s what it looks like…

  • 2-hour Zoom Greenhouse sessions, every other Wednesday (6:00 p.m. to 8 p.m. central)

  • The Seed Catalogue Party! A time for brainstorming and dreaming about what to grow.

  • Highly interactive group work with training, exercises and sharing.

  • Your very own Greenhouse Project Tracker, designed to make managing your project fun and easy.

  • Breakout Gardening Groups to grow with -- you'll meet monthly with Deb for 90 minutes of focus and work on your projects.

  • Social

    A Gardeners' Soul Jam + two Support Circles: bonus social occasions to get to know each other, network, and be empowered.

  • PLUS: A private space just for us within Club Moxie to keep the conversation going.

  • A Garden Party at the end to celebrate the amazing growth and soul-satisfying results. You're officially a Master Gardener!


For the 1st time ever, I am giving Greenhouse participants unlimited access to me for the 3+ months of the program. Meaning if you get stuck need to brainstorm, want me to review something, or need to be reminded who you are, you text or email me and we’ll set up some 1:1 time.

Which makes this particular Greenhouse an unprecedented value.

The Growing Season of 2024

Dates and times of our online gatherings:

Wed Aug 7 The SEED CATALOGUE PARTY (7-9 pm eastern)

Wed Aug 14 Gardeners’ Soul Jam! (7-8:30 eastern)

Wed Aug 21 Main Session (7-9 pm eastern)

Wed Aug 28 or Thu Aug 29 Gardening Groups (90-min session w/your group on one of those days)

Wed Sep 4 Main Session (7-9 pm eastern)

Wed Sep 11 Sharing + Support Circle (7-8:30 eastern)

Wed Sep 18 Main Session (7-9 pm eastern)

Wed Sep 25 or Thu Sep 26 Gardening Groups (90-min session w/your group on one of those days)

Wed Oct 2 Main Session (7-9 pm eastern)

Wed Oct 9 Sharing + Support Circle (7-8:30 eastern)

Wed Oct 16 Main Session (7-9 pm eastern)

Wed Oct 23 or Thu Oct 24 Gardening Groups (90-min session w/your group on one of those days)

Wed Oct 30 THE GARDEN PARTY (7-9 pm eastern)

Note: The smaller GARDENING GROUP 90-minute meetings with Deb get scheduled according to members’ availability, and are typically on either Wed or Thu evening of those weeks.

There will be REPLAYS available of all sessions.

Don’t keep putting your dreams and desires on hold — it’s time to grow, and your Greenhouse awaits!